Senin, 28 September 2009

Flick Fashions

When it comes to clothing, I teeter on a strange balance of designer clothing, high street mass retailers, vintage and otherwise ebay auctions, and handmade etsy picks. Oh, and of course there is the low of the low in garage saling and secondhand shopping. I also cycle through these phases. This past spring and early summer, I could not get enough of thrift shops and garage sales. I was monumentally poor then. It makes sense. Then, when I got my management job at the pool this summer, I was making some more money and I also scored some more lucrative tutoring jobs. I became a Target, Ross, and Forever 21 clothes hound. I have not shown ebay the love in a long time, but about two years ago in the fall, I simply could not get enough of it. I have noticed how tired of grown of the mass retailers after my binge this summer. I still try to stop in and I find the clothing boring and repetitive. Part of it is the economy (according to National Public Radio) and part of it is my overenthusiasm and subsequent overexposure to all things mass produced. In desperation, I tried ebay, but it just wasn't doing it for me (I did bid on a pair of strappy Christian Louboutin's, but was quickly outbid and unwilling to fork over more cash). Feeling unhopeful and sure that I was about to slump into another anti-shopping haze, I decided to try etsy. I wasn't expecting much. I was mistaken. This is everything that I found and purchased on etsy. I went crazy. What always sucks me in with etsy is that I know that pretty much no one where I live would own what I purchase from there. There is an idealistic entrepreneurial spirit that I love about all of the designers on there.

The Scratches That Made Me

You buy things and you keep them clean. You take care of them. Keep them in a special pocket. Away from keys and coins. Away from other things that should be kept clean and taken care of as well. Then they get scratched. And scratched again. And again. And again. And again. Soon, you don't care about them anymore. You don't keep them in a special pocket. You throw them in the bag with everything else. They've surpassed their form and become nothing but function. People are like that. You meet them and keep them clean. In a special pocket. And then you start to scratch them. Not on purpose. Sometimes you just drop them by accident or forget which pocket they're in. But after the first scratch, it's all downhill from there. You see past their form. They become function. They are a purpose. Only their essence remains.

I Like this Baby

aduh udah lama ya kayanya gue ga cerita disini, abisan mau cerita bingung mau ceritain apa, tadinya gue mau cerita hm ada temen gue waktu itu gue pernah suka tapi yaudahlah skip aja gapenting. yang jelas sekarang ya sekarang, sebenernya sih gue desperated gitu tapi denger kemaren gebetan gue ngomong yang bikin gue seneng akhirnya gue ga desperated lagi deh hihi eya lupa itu tuh ya gue gitudeh lagi deket kan sama cowo tapi gatau deh masih belom jelas gimana jadinya ckck nunggu ajasih gueeeeee (cape sebenernya) ya gue sih suka sama dia ga nilai dia dari luar ye tapi dari sifatnya dia, dia lucu banget deh suka ngelawak asli, jadinya kan gue ga stress gitu ye HAHAHA jangan liat orang dari luarnya deh menurut gue, belom tentu loh orang yang cakep dalemnya juga cakep, kalo dia suka selingkuh gimane (kali aja) mantep yeee kata katanya huehue yaudah deh guys segini aja dulu ya nanti kalo ada perkembangan sama dia baru deh gue cerita lagi oksssss (pede gila)

I Barely Have Time To Study

Hiya, lads! Hows your weekend? Mine's pretty charming, I slept over at my cousins' hotel room, so its pretty much lovely. We went out for food and for some fun, we watched Phobia 2. We got back from the hotel around 1 am. It was total fun, though the guys smoked all the time, but it was good. Very good. I wish we stayed in the hotel much longer, we could go to other places. We didn't do anything much yesterday, only laugh and a movie, oh some of us ate dinner together (the others ate dinner with their mums and their friends). I stayed up all night until dawn yesterday, felt like I was a vampire, I stayed up with Almo (we both couldn't sleep, I tried to, he smoked instead). It was weird to found out that I could sleep at dawn.

Holiday is going to end soon enough, next week is mid test, but I haven't study yet. I'll study things this week, promise.
My maids haven't got back from their homes yet, so I'm doing the dishes, while Mum do the other. Wish they go back soon. But my driver will be here tomorrow, so maybe I could buy some DVDs and go to the dentist tomorrow.

I asked mein bruder earlier today at lunch, to give me present when next year before he get back, he only nodded, my only hope is that he's not the kind of guy who likes to give away promises and false hopes.

So off to bed now. x