Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

I Believe You..... My Superhero

i just learned that i don't like it when ppl copied me. My quotes, my words, my art, my concept.. Stop it. That is sooo low. Yes, i'm a genius, i invented all of those myself, and you are not a genius like you have said. You copied me.
Hey, Boy, my major is law and all of those le
gal studies... you are consider to have copied someone's work when you didn't pay a dime to the inventor/owner. At least, do mention where did the work comes out if you don't/can't pay a dime. Example; i featured my friend's photo in my blog: i linked the photo to her gallery back. That means... i appreciate her as the owner/maker of the work.
But someone has been RUDE ENOUGH
to me, didn't do the shit at all. It makes me mad. It furious me. Why ppl just can't understand? That means, stealing. STEALING, for God's sake! Stealing my intellectual! Stop doing that. Don't just copy paste... have some attitude, OK??? Do ask. Do link back. Do mention. Do say thanks. Whats so wrong with it? Don't everyone learn how to be POLITE?? Fuck retarded bastard.
I try to write something, 3 pages long for the Eng
lish Club... I still don't have any idea about what to put down on the blank papers. Geez. 7 days left to participate, and I stare at my computer screen. Blank. Blank. Blank. Arghhhh...!!
It is going to rain again. Or at least, it seems so. Jakarta sky is darker than usual, its only 10.30. Stupid Friendste
r account experience some errors, my used to be 300++ friends shrinked to only 17. WTF? I couldn't read my e-mails too.
As I wait for the rain (I have my sweater on) Muse's Unintended is playing.

Well I've always been questioning myself about the exact meaning of this song. Common ppl would just easily say, well its a lo
ve song. But to me, I think it was deeper than just "a love song". I mean, it definetely is, but with deeper and darker meanings. The lyric stated three persons: the singer (the guy, since it is Matthew Bellamy the vocalist who sings it), the first girl, and the second girl. I

don't know. Maybe it was just me. I questioned almost many things. Damnit.
Its been tiring lately. I think I may fell ill sooner or later. I woke up exhausted
today, though I've slept for more than 10 hours. I fell asleep while I spoke on the phone. I lost track of time and dates. I was... busy with my own thoughts. Hey, maybe I can write these shits down for the English Club! Aww... lame, anyways. I begin to be emo whenever my PMS starts. What the hell... am I emo? Ppl says so. Well I don't think so... OK, I used to be one. But... uh, ppl changed.
It is raining now. Not a hard pouring one, but just some drops. Little drops per inch. I wish the sky are getting darker, its better. I wish we still had coffee. I wish we are having a session. None of it matters.
Hmm... 26, next January. But this is my quarte
r life crises, though I considered to have crisis most of the time. Yes, quarter life crisis. I begin to think about my life seriously. And ppl said I've got plenty of time to think about it, they're damn right. The problem is, I always think about it seriously.

It is raining with the sun shining. I don't like it, this kind of rain.
My life. My dreams. My future.

My quarter life crisis. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate it.

My friends are going to build a happy family of their own. Getting married, have kids. Tons of it. Apply for a decent job and spend the salary on shopping Malls. The kind of world I still hope to give up. Pack my baggage and runaway to School with few money I have, soon after I get my degree... or move my ass to another town, get a master degree, get a Ph.D then died eating my diplomas while my friends dining at fancy restaurants with their families. I don't know.
Who will ever read this, anyway? I know you don't take me seriously. You laughed. And while you listen, you think I'm crazy. Oh, sure I was. Definetely I am.
Why is it have to rain... with the sun shine?