Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


this day I really hope a miracle occurs. but all is not going. I believe that all hope will happen. but when? I hope all that happens in time as soon as possible. who will take it? I was certainly upset oneself why hope I share the hope that it is very difficult to achieve in.

now we change the subject. tomorrow I have 15 years. I very of age because I have one more increase. but that I was confused I do not want to have a plan on what more I age the more the old days. I have not the purpose of life I find that during the time I search. Rizka come on, surely you can find all of that shortly. dropouts do not have gods certainly have made a lot answer for you, and you live in the street waiting for you a god. I believe, I can skip all kinds of obstacles that I have a destiny. I sure to face strong because god will not give a trial of more than the limit of our capacity. I do not need any. but as long as I live, I need help from other people because I could not live alone in this world. I try to survive the coming and opened the way for the best and I now I have found that people.

he is the person I care about now and I love. he is not a parent or cousin. he is a person who can understand my situation. he was always there beside me when I need him and when I pleased or pain. I want all of them survive long because I pity him up. he is a person who can accept me as is my want to change without people like him want. I believe he can get away in any near me that I feel are right now. he can accept the situation even though I was quite heavy for it and he can be my friend made me to exchange ideas at the head will explode because of too many ideas covered in. according to me, my life is now much easier in the first appeal because it may be I still have the burden of my responsibility is. but I do not get how I can finish all this alone. I need him. people who already believe and I trust I have for several weeks this. he became the place where I pour all the contents of my heart on it and he will not let anyone know about it. I can certainly it will not be easy for a child are men who go adults. social life, but must remain on the run, and I choose him to reassure my heart that are painful.

I do not how I originally believed he could, but he showed in me about my belief that you can get from him. me and he always just have a few thoughts about the same things that we learned together, such as trying to start a debate session ended without end. all of them make me feel comfortable when in the side and is one of the reasons I started how i love him. there is no reason for me to delude myself about the different reasons why I like it. of different terms and from different perspectives. very clearly visible, I really like him and I think the feeling is more than just love. he makes me as if I was in for a lot with him, and I reveal to complete in his life which is not yet complete. I never thought my relationship with them will be lasting as this, and I am very happy about it. but still many things that I fear is behind the dreams that I have a million meanings hidden in it

The Great Of Kambing Jantan The Movie

hey hey, gue pengen bantu raditya promosiin filmnya niiih.. kasih info juga buat kalian kalian dan saya ingin mendapatkan ticket premiernya juga sih wekawekawek

kambing aneh filmnya lucu banget sumpah soalnya gue udah nonton sih. apalagi diramein sm bang Edrick Tjandra yang bego tolol abis di fil. mukanya yg inta digaruk ituloh yg gak nahan banget wkwkwk. film ini akan mengulas betapa pintarnya pelajar Indonesia. pokoknya HARUS nonton, jangan pake mikir dua kali deh buat nonton ini film apa ngga. soalnya lucu banget beneran deh, bayangin kalo diluar negri orang-orang bule ato bangsa lain bisa ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia, ih waw! lucu kan, cuma ada disini looh hehe
sukses terus ya buat bang Dik!